Ungkapan bahasa Jawa dalam English

Ungkapan bahasa Jawa dalam English

Mungkin diantara pengunjung blog tester Code Lab ada yang perlu menterjemahkan ungkapan bahasa Jawa (jika anda kebetulan orang Jawa) dalam bahasa Inggris. Memang kelihatannya sangat sederhana namun sebenarnya tidak demikian, kita harus pandai berfantasi meng-utak-atik kata  hahahahaha...Ok monggo disimak mas atau mbak brow..

Yes mother dont do that: Yo mbok ojo ngono..
Your head = enDas mu..
Your eyes ripped = Matamu suwek
Your bald head = GUNDUL MU !!
Your knees falling down = Dengkulmu anjlog !!
Your bellybutton on fire = Udhelmu kobong !!
Your auntie's money = duwite mbokdemu tah ?
Your grandfather money = Duwite mBahmu !!
Your auntie teach you about that? = mbokdemu sing ngajari yoo??
Your mother goalkeeper = makmu kiper ...

Like that yes like that but don't be like that = ngono yo ngono ning ojo ngono
My body is not delicious today = awakku lagi gak enak.
Your face far away = raimu adoh
Your lips = lambemu..
Your bellybutton turn up = udelmu bodong
Your head smell gum benzoin = nDhasmu mambu menyan
Cricket !!! = jiangkrik
Your head was blown = ndasmu njeblug
Your eyes blind = matamu picek
Wanna eat your head = Tak kletak ndasmu !
Walk slowly on the edge (side) of the road = mlipir
Faling backward and then hit own head = nggeblak
Falling/tripping forward (and hit the face) = kejlungup
Smearing one's body with hot oilment or liquid and then massaging it = mblonyo
Riding a bicycle = ngonthel
Got hit by a truck that is moving backward = kunduran truk
Hot pyroclastic cloud = wedhus gembel
A small, sharp thing embedded inside one's skin = susuben/ketelusupen
Things getting out from a container accidentally because of grafity = mbrojol
Get hit by thing collapsing on top of one' head/body = kambrukan / kebrukan
Drinking straight from the bottle without using glass = ngokop
Difficult to open the eyes because something is shining very bright = blereng
Hanging on tightly to something = gondhelan
Falling & tripping accidentally because of a hole = kejeglong
Releasing "wind" from the body using a coin rubbed on the skin = kerokan
A slip of the tongue, or wrong pronounciation, of particular word = kamisolsolen

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