Banyak pantai-pantai tersembunyi yang indah dan cocok untuk menyepi, bisa jadi pilihan untuk sejenak menjauh dari lautan manusia dan mendapatkan suasana nyaman dan tenang
There are so many beautiful beaches that remain hidden and may be the answer to your search of tranquillity, where you can run away from the sea of people and into a comfortable, quiet atmosphere for a while
The absence of sands doesn't imply that Kesirat Beach is less attractive to visit. Aside from the story of gratitude offering implied in the local tradition, the painting of sunset on the west horizon looks so enchanting.
Kesirat Beach captivates with its characteristic as a coral cliffs. No white sand or froths are to be seen along the shore of the beach. The sound of waves crashing against the corals is the only thing to expect here
Ngrenehan beach is located at Kanigoro village, Saptosari sub district, abput 30 km at the south of Wonosari city. This beach is gulf that guarded by limestone hill and amazing panorama with the sea waves struck white sand.
Pantai Siung yang sunyi dan sepi |
Pantai Sundak, sejauh mata memandang tampak hamparan laut yang mebiru |
Pantai Baron dikelilingi bukit-bukit kapur dengan air laut nan jernih dan bebas dari polusi |
Wooo, pantai Ngupngap, Indonesian paradise is here |